
1.1 An Introduction to General Philosophy
Outlines the General Philosophy course, the various topics that will be discussed, and also, more importantly, the philosophical method that this course introduces to students.

1.2 The Background of Early Modern Philosophy

Gives a very brief history of philosophy from the ‘birth of philosophy’ in Ancient Greece through the rise of Christianity in Europe in the Middle Ages through to the Renaissance, the Reformation and the birth of the Modern Period.

1.3 Science from Aristotle to Galileo
Describes briefly the Aristotelian view of the universe; the basis for natural science in Europe until the 15th century and its conflict Galileo’s theories.

1.4 From Galileo to Descartes
Outlines Galileo’s revolutionary theories of astronomy and mechanical science and introduces Descartes’ (the father of modern philosophy) ideas of philosophical scepticism.

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